We pulled over to the fuel dock after waiting for a power
boat to finish fueling around 10 am. We had paid our marina and lunch bill
around $140 and were ready to head out.
The power boat took around 1000 gallons of fuel. Now our bill for 40
gallons of fuel was $272.00 can you imagine the bill for 1,000 gallons. I would need an ambulance! Oh well, it’s
only money, gulp.
We left Chub Cay headed to the North West Channel marker. I
was really interested in seeing this as if you recall we went through it at midnight
with all the chart books warning that you should not go through it at night
unless very experienced. I had envisioned a small passageway lined with rocks
and cliffs a lot like the Little Farmers
my minds eye of Northwest channel marker and add a pole in the middle |
This was the reality. Silly me, The darkness makes scary, scarier |
What I saw was open water that was shallow ( but nothing
compared to what we had been navigating through in the Exumas) with a rocky bottom and numerous patches of
grass. We saw 4 boats besides us going
through the passage and each one to a slightly different route and no one had
any problem. Take that North West Passage! The monster when exposed to the
light disappeared!
Onward into light
winds on our nose and flat seas we motored to begin our overnight trip to West
End on Grand Bahama Island. The day was beautiful and we enjoyed the sun, light winds
and smooth seas. AND THEN : The winds shifted and climbed but not to bad. The
seas became a little lumpy and their direction confused. Freddie had tried to
take a nap,so that he would take the first watch but got up early and I went inside to fix
some supper before dark . I heard something strange and the motors slow down. I stick my
head out the door and ask Freddie if everything was alright. His answer was NO!
The boom has just came loose from the
mast! Oh Great! We start to work and access the situation. It is just
about 5 pm and sunset is is less than one hour. We furl in the jib and climb up
and begin to work. Let me tell you that that thing is HEAVY. We finally figured
out how we could secure the boom for the night but now we are for sure a motor
boat until we get this taken care of. Of course the wind and waves decided to
make certain that we had a lumpy night. Poor Freddie couldn't sleep ( I think it
was from all the adrenaline rush) so he elected to stay at the helm until 4 am.
I would sleep and then wake up and check on him every hour. Bless his heart
because not 30 minutes after he turned the helm over to me I have a cruise ship
looking like it is on a collision course with me so I wake him to ask for his
advice. The ship passed to our stern but
was close enough for us to see it very clearly . Even Freddie, who was none to happy about me getting him up, did say that it passed
closer than any other ship had while he was on watch. He went back to bed and I
handled things from there. As soon as the sun came up I began looking for the
closest port to land. Since the seas had been so lumpy and there was a great
deal of counter current ( current running in the opposite direction the we are
going) we only averaged around 2.8 knts. That is really slow and barely enough to keep the auto
pilot working ( which did a wonderful job without any problems). We headed to
Freeport looking for a safe harbor and a marine store to get a replacement bolt
set up for the boom connection. Of course it also needed to be at a price we
could afford. I picked Sunrise Marina which was very reasonable and has floating docks, a Marine service center right next to it. Unfortunately the channel going into the marina is
VERY shallow and they only let people in at high tide. OK high tide is at 4pm and we need to wait 45 minutes after that..
We arrived at 9 am and have been hanging out waiting to get in. They better
have really great hot showers cause we
are both beat. We will see.
We did finally figure out a secure way to tie off the dingy on the davits. We had been having to bring it up and secure it on it's side blocking the entire back end of the boat. |
This is the boom disconnected from the mast. That hole on the square thing is where the bolt went through and it was attached around where you see the big loop of sail. |
Back in place with a bolt that is to short through the top and lashed for the bottom and around the mast. We also lashed the back of the sail so that it would not move in case the winds got worse. |
Hanging around the entrance to Sunrise Marina in Freeport on Grand Bahama Island. |