We said Good bye to Warderick Wells around 9:30 Thursday
Morning and headed to Normans Cay. The winds light and the seas calm as we
headed North. After motor sailing with the jib the winds were still very light
and Freddie suggested that we try our spinnaker sail. After our disastrous
experience leaving Black Point and considering that the only time we had ever
had the spinnaker out before we had tried to hoist it sideways, I was a little
skeptical about giving it a go. Freddie reminded me that we will never learn
anything if we don’t try it so I dug out the spinnaker. We not only got it
flying but did so without any calamities or cross words. Score another one for
Fred! For those of you that don’t know a Spinnaker sail is a very lightweight
light wind sail. It is made out of what feels like parachute material and fills
out with wind high and in front of the boat like a half of a giant balloon.
Sailing with the Spinnaker went well and taking it down was a little more
tedious but no real disasters or screaming.
We were anchored off of Normans Cay at 2:30 and were in the
dingy headed to explore before 3 pm. Normans Cay rose to fame as Carlos Leder’s
base during the bad days of Bahamian Drug trading. There are still some bullet
ridden houses and crumbling remains of his territory just north of the
airstrip. There is also a ditched aircraft in the southern anchorage that we
had a great time snorkeling in. We came across the airstrip while exploring the
island and had not understood it was still an operational airstrip until we saw
a plane landing directly in front of us while we were standing on the air
strip. We then noticed the hanger at the far south end of the strip where the
plane let off its passengers and took back off. We were long gone back to the
beach before we saw it leave not wanting to be plane food. We had a nice chat
with some people that have lived on their boat for 4 years and are looking at
coming and checking out real-estate in the St. Marys and Fernandina area this
summer. Small world. Leaving early in
the morning for Nassau around a 40 mile trip,a full day when you only do around
5 knts.
Yes we are flying that spinnaker! |
We are getting pretty good at these selfee's on Normans after snorkeling the sunken plane and before dodging the flying one. |
not a bad pic with a $10 Walmart camera. |
Very spooky. All the coral around the seats and such looked like skeletons. |
I wonder if the fish ate the drugs? |
Ah Freddie we need to get out of here. |
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