We spent a couple of amazing days at Staniel Cay with Tripp and Dana. The trip back had a two fold purpose. First I wanted to share with them what I think has been one of the most beautiful and interesting places we have visited and second to retrieve my credit card from the marina there. Yes I left my credit card at the marina office and they have been holding it for me. We snorkeled, feed the pigs and this time we went on shore and got to pet a couple, went back to Thunderball, where Tripp and Freddie jumped from the top. Tripp actually speared a lionfish and although he was small had him for an appetizer for dinner. They are poisonous and must be handled carefully but Tripp had been prepared and studied how to handle them successfully. We also rescued a couple who couldn't get their boat started. They then followed us to feed the pigs on the beach. We took a short walk into town, had lunch at the Yacht Club, pulled anchor and went to Black Point for the night. It still cracks me up to say I ate at a Yacht Club. I envision men in blue blazers and ascots and women in white linen dresses when really all of them in the Bahamas are wooden buildings where everyone is in bathing suites, shorts and bare feet.
We rescued the couple in the background when they could not get their
boat motor started and were drifting out of the cove.

Here piggy piggy piggy
The connection is taking half an hour for each picture so I will post more when I can connect.