We anchored in Kemps Bay after a short motor . These short sails are equivalent to going from St. Marys to Kingsland or Woodbine but take around 3 hours. We drop the hook and take a short ride over to the cliffs and beach in search of lobster. We didn't find any but enjoyed the time in the water. We came back to the boat and secured the dingy and motor for our longer trip through the cut and to Georgetown. We are going to shadow Jalapeno through the cut and will be leaving at 4am. That's right 4 am. Everything revolves around tides and weather and distance to travel. You do not want to go through a cut (the exit route between Cays that get you from the banks to the sound ) in a tide against wind situation. This can result in what is called a rage. Nasty bugger that can cost you your boat and LIFE. Tara had calculated the timing perfectly so that we went through a slack tide and had time to get to Georgetown and enter that cut with good light for negotiating the reefs around that entrance. Negotiating the cut at Little Farmers was a little tricky and got bumpy as we entered the sound but was less terrifying than trying to leave out of Florida in the early morning with the lights from the city making it harder to see on the water. After entering the sound I was again on the bucking hobby horse and in combination with being inside and chart plotting and working the ssb started to get slightly seasick. I took some meds and lay down outside for a while and was soon better. Freddie set Otto the autopilot and started sewing on the jib. We made it to Geogetown by 1pm with only confusion and anchored off of Monument Bay. Jalapeno sailed in a little later managing to catch and fillet a Mahi Mahi negotiate the cut and get a perfectly baked loaf of bread out of the oven. They invited us over and I brought peas and rice and chocolate chip cookies to go with the fresh grilled fish. Good food and good company. We were all tiered and went to bead around 7pm.
It is really dark! |
A sewing we will go! |
Rainbow at sea.
Our new home for a while. Off Monument Beach in Georgetown.
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