Well we continue to clean and clean and clean. And then we clean some more. It is amazing how much marsh mud is still hiding inside my boat. Add in the grease and grime from engine rebuilds along with fiberglass and gel coat dust and you can imagine how I spend my days off on the boat. Both Freddie and I are sore and hot from squeezing into lockers with bleach for me and becoming a jet ski contortionist for Freddie. He did discover the reason for our jet ski trying to sink on us was a through hull that was damaged by a rodent while the ski was taken apart before we bought it. Hardest part of the repair is getting the damaged through hull out. Freddie is still fighting with it as it hangs on the dingy davits on the back of Stray Cat. We found that the wrong transducer was purchased for the fish finder Freddie had installed is the culprit for that new instrument now working. The correct one is ordered and will hopefully be installed next week so I can get the salon put back together.
We passed the year mark since Beryl and along comes Andrea! We are in a much safer location from storms now. Very grateful we did not have a repeat of last year.
Andrea's rains did identify the hatch leaks. Get out the water catchers! |
Freddie tracking leaks as it rains. |
SMAC before we open from the top of the Orange Crush Slide. This is what keeps me busy when not working on Stray Cat. |
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