Thursday, November 3, 2011

Boat Work Stalled, Who's the Real Captain Here?

Plans? They just keep on changing.

Our original plans when we acquired Stray Cat were to get our sailing feet wet locally, flesh out the cruising kitty and shove off when I joined Freddie in retirement a couple of years from now. The local area offers good beginner sailing and weather most of the year. That worked out great the first year and then I joined the millions of Americans in the unemployment line. Job searches were exhausting and fruitless. OK tighten our belts, get serious about finishing the work on the boat on a budget, and get ready to shove off after hurricane season. We don't always understand what God is teaching us through our circumstances,but I am always amazed at his provision. With lots of projects started and struggling financially to finish the work needed, the perfect job lands in my lap! The problem is that work really interferes with extended cruising but it does help to pay for boat work. Since we had to wait for the boat yard to get their crane back to haul out Stray Cat, we weren't getting out of here as early as we had planned anyway. Then we found that the mast step looked really ugly. Time to pull the mast and get a rigger to check it out and make repairs. More time and more money. I am truly grateful for a paycheck! I have still been able to get to the ocean on my day off. Freddie volunteers at the Hospital in Fernandina once a week and I drop him off and head for the beach for sunrise.

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