Sunday, June 26, 2011

Busy Times

Well a lot has went on since our last post. We have done lots of day sailing and a few overnight trips to Cumberland Island. We managed to fly the spinnaker, hoist the main and hold a course strictly under sail. We've had a few visitors on board besides family and friends. A small bird was so tired that it actually landed and sat on Freddie's shoulder for a rest. We had a small leopard ray land on our tramp when passing through some ruff seas on the way in to port one day. Unfortunately we did not see him until we were docking and it was to late to save him.Our first big outing with all the grand kids and some of their friends resulted in seven kids and a couple of adults feeding the fishes. That was a mass introduction to the realities of coping with seasickness.  Freddie and I also got our scuba certification and scuba gear.With my work schedule that has been all the sailing we could fit in. Since I no longer have a work schedule to adhere to, we are in the process of getting the boat ready to sail to the Bahamas after Hurricane season. We are excited about actually cruising on Stray Cat and living the dream that started it all.

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