We will begin our trip back some time this week. We have had an amazing adventure so far and have grown to love Georgetown. I thought I would answer some of the questions that I have been asked in this post.
What happens if you get hurt or sick?
There are clinics at most places we have been. There have even been Veterinarians at several of the larger islands. We visited our Dr. before we left and made sure to have enough of our prescriptions available for our time away. We got a prescription for antibiotics , just in case and we also purchased Dan Divers insurance that would cover transport to the nearest medical facility in case of a major medical event. I broke a tooth and had it addressed when we went home for Christmas. If it had been hurting I could have had it taken care of in Georgetown. I also banged up my shin pretty good but took care of it out of our first aid supplies.
Not Pretty. It stung but no real damage. |
First Aid: salt water wash, Fresh water rinse, triple antibiotic ointment, large band aid to keep out sand. Repeat every couple of days until healed.
Do you feel safe? Yes we do. Cruisers look out for each other and the Bahamians are genuinely honest loving people.
Aren't you scared? At times (those of you that read some of my earlier posts will verify) I have been terrified. You do learn to trust your boat over time. I have also found out from people that have been doing this and have sailed for years that everyone goes through that. That made me feel much better since I really felt that I was such a sissy.I also know that the good and amazing times far out weigh the times of sheer terror. I plan to have none of those on our trip north!
Seriously I would never have met so many amazing people and seen the things I have seen on this trip if I had not taken a deep breath and cut the dock lines.
Lovely German family that live aboard their Catamaran. |
Steve and Karen got here a little over a week ago. |
One of our French Canadian neighbors kit surfing on the beach side of the island. |
Some of Bahamian friends at the Chat & Chill beach |
You have a couple that have traveled all over, a former IT(computer guru) that build his own boat.and a guy that was actually born here all at one table getting ready for a game of Mexican Train Dominoes. |
I am really going to miss Georgetown and the people we have met here.