OK, So we are still on land and the boat looks like it's been through a tornado. We are making progress but are finding out first hand the truth in the saying that "everything takes longer and cost more on a boat!" We kept finding damage as we sanded the hull to prep the bottom for painting. Thankfully hulls are finally repaired and ready for paint.
We put new leather on the spreaders to help with chafe.
While the mast was on the ground we took the opportunity to recover the old brittle leather on the spreaders with new ( well sort of new. We got a leather coat from Goodwill when we couldn't find any leather at a reasonable price.) We did get the mast back on and started putting on the stack pack and lazy jacks on but it started pouring so we went back inside to work on the holding tank. If we can catch a break on the weather they will do a barrier coat and then paint the bottom. Pictures and updates soon since I finally got the bugs worked out of my blog.