Time seems to be moving at warp speed but the boat is still a mess. I keep having to remind myself that we are actually making progress. The SSB, modem, tuner and AIS are being installed. Our FCC License has been granted and we now have a call sign and a MMSI Number. We needed the MMSI Number for the AIS before it could be shipped. Our friend who is doing the installation recommended that since Freddie usually takes the lead at the helm that I should take the lead at communications. All of this was new to me but I have found that if I just slow down and take it one step at a time it is really not so complicated. Studying for the Ham Radio license is a little more involved (including learning how to utilize a scientific calculator) but it is beginning to make sense. We also got our emergency beacon's battery changed and registered to us. It will make sure that if needed our specific information will be sent to the coast guard along with our exact location. Our 2013 cruising decal has arrived. Freddie has been busy re-making the interior doors damaged by Beryl and overseeing the new holding tanks, and engine repairs. It seems incredible that we are looking at just weeks before we will be back in the water and Bahamas bound! Here are a couple of pics of the fiberglass repair.

Looks much better than this before picture.